
  • Meet Helena – The Founder of My Happy Home

    Hello friends, I’m Helena Zachariassen, a certified KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach and founder of My Happy Home. I was born and raised in Finland, the Nordic country of pure, quiet and beautiful wilderness. I’m a total Scandi girl at heart, with a long and difficult-to-pronounce Danish surname, nevertheless loving and embracing all of the opportunities and life lessons living abroad offers. Growing up in the north and spending all my summers on a lonely but beautiful island in the archipelago made me become deeply inspired by nature, beauty and simplicity and learn to respect and honour our precious environment.


    Since 2011 I live in beautiful Switzerland, close to Zurich, with my husband and 2 young children. Before that, I used to live in 5 other European countries and I believe I have a wide understanding of most expat challenges by now… ?

    Q: Tell us about your work

    After spending most of my adult life in the corporate world of international business consulting supporting people in their professional development I became a mom and life changed over night. In the following years navigating a new world abroad, with two small children and no support network at hand, I was turning inwards to find my own life mission and purpose career wise. I discovered the KonMari Method® in 2016 and within a few years from this first discovery I got to meet Marie Kondo, became a certified KonMari Consultant and I was able to combine my passions and finally become an entrepreneur doing what I love!

    The KonMari Method® is all about getting to know your ideal lifestyle, and let this vision guide you in choosing joy, not only with regards to your belongings, but in all areas of life. As a Lifestyle Coach I’m passionate about supporting, empowering and inspiring people of any walk of life to simplify and transform their lives by organising their living spaces according to the KonMari Method®. If you feel overwhelmed with stuff and chaos, in other words mental and physical clutter, and you don’t know where to start or are longing for a place to call your own haven of harmony I’m your go-to person. I will hold your hand, lovingly curate and create space for a home and life you’ll love. In our individual in-home sessions (or alternatively virtual sessions!) I will teach you how to minimise clutter and maximise functionality, forever. In addition I consult you with decorating any space you feel needs a face lift or simply just re-arranging or re-purposing what you already have.

    The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.


    Q: What’s a day like in your heels?

    I used to wear heels to work daily, I even cycled to work in heels when I was living in Copenhagen, a true bike heaven! However, as a mother of two running around from hobbies to playgrounds and nowadays as an entrepreneur having a very hands-on job, I mostly wear flats and comfy shoes, that I totally love.

    No day is the same in our busy household. Usually my husband travels a lot, and I’m the one juggling and managing the daily home life as well as my business. Some days I have half or full day client sessions and some days I work behind the scenes creating content, photographing, writing and learning new skills for myself and my clients. Other days I spend my time as full time driver, teacher, coach, nurse and chef to my tiny humans.

    To add some more fun to the weekly puzzle I also work part-time as Community Manager for Mom in Balance Switzerland, whose mission is to keep women and moms (to be) fit and in great shape through challenging and fun outdoor workouts. Such a fun and energising concept I can hardly believe I’ve been part of it for almost 7 years already.

    My kids are my biggest joy as well as my daily teachers. I love spending time with them, but I equally love getting some needed me-time, no matter if it’s work related or simply talking to a friend over the phone. We’re so lucky to have found some lovely Au pairs, who have helped and supported our family through these busy years. What’s essential to me is that I’m able to be flexible with my work and be at home when the kids need me, especially if their dad is travelling.

    Q: What can our readers expect from you?

    I love to share ideas and inspire! Especially on all things home related, may it be tidying and decluttering, organising, simplifying, beautiful interior ideas or simply some life coaching tips for a happy home or a joyful thought. I truly hope that you as my readers will get inspiration from me and my own experiences in simplifying, juggling work and family life as well as find beauty, harmony and joy in your everyday lives. 

    Q: Tell us some fun facts about you

    • * As the only girl with 3 brothers, I wished I was a boy too and refused to wear any dress when I was little. Later on I actually really missed having a sister!
    • * I love my morning coffee, even if I rarely manage to drink it warm
    • * Red wine and salty liquorice chocolate are my real treats
    • * I used to be a gymnast and later on a gymnastics coach for young girls. I can (almost) still do the split! 
    • * I used to be cabin crew for one summer for the Finnish airline Finnair
    • * I used to sing in the Helsinki University female voice choir Lyran for 10 years
    • * I speak about 6 languages (Swedish and any Scandi language, Finnish, English, German and French).

    Q: What do you do when you’re not working?

    Being with kids is amazingly rewarding but also exhausting and without sports and exercise I couldn’t function properly.

    Whether I do a sweaty workout (which I love!), take a walk or run in nature, a hike in the mountains or a ski day out on the slopes, I’m in my element. I also love spending time with good friends, sharing a meal, a deep conversation, laughter and a glass of bubbly or two. And if I really want to wind down, I start folding clothes or I start an organising project, which are both amazingly therapeutical and I can lose myself completely in it.

    Through the right amount of tidiness both in our homes and in our minds together with healthy nutrition, exercise to keep you fit and enough rest, I strongly believe that you will have more energy and be able to live a happier and lighter life focusing on what matters most for you.

    “Tidying your home and life is like an artichoke.
    Little by little you peel the layers away and with time you reveal the heart of it all.”

    Helena Zachariassen

    Are you enjoying my tips? Sign up for my Newsletter to read more about simplifying, home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living or head over to my Instagram.


    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • 8 Easy Steps To Win Chaos and Enjoy Harmony In My Happy Home During Quarantine Times And Beyond

     So we’ve all been at home with the family for weeks in a row now, some enjoying it enormously while others are going nuts. The Internet instantly got inundated with funny videos about moms getting grey hair in no time and drinking wine for breakfast. How were we, over night, to cope with working from home and at the same time becoming teachers, IT support, chefs, housekeepers, fitness instructors, nurses, coaches, mediators not to mention remembering there might also be a partner in the equation? Is there a way to truly enjoy the quarantine instead of getting on each others’ nerves every 5 minutes? I believe so.

    Honestly, there is no right or wrong. The simple truth is that both of these worlds and feelings are profoundly ok, even if they some days might take us by surprise and happen all at once! The most important thing is to acknowledge them and at the end of the day, accept them for what they are. Feelings. We are not our feelings. Let’s allow them to come and go. Just like the waves of the ocean. You create your own haven of harmony.

    I have 2 young kids, who are now 7 and 4. I love them to bits but with those two a beautiful chaos called life moved in too and hasn’t left since! However, these kids are the purest of joy gifts, and they’ve taught me more than anything that less is more, on so many levels. In the past few years I’ve decluttered our home and my life so thoroughly that I found my missing peace of the puzzle, became an entrepreneur as a KonMari Consultant & Lifestyle Coach in one go and I now support others choosing joy, organising and creating a home they truly love by simplifying their lives too. And I absolutely love what I do. 

    What does it mean to simplify?

    Simplifying and decluttering your life is like an artichoke. Little by little you peel the layers away and with time you reveal the heart of it all. The things that truly matter in life. Are you able to see beyond what you already have in life? Gratitude goes such a long way and being able to cherish, appreciate and enjoy what is already there in front of our eyes. I’ve put together an introduction to simplifying your life, with small, easy manageable steps, doable during a quarantine or after. Whenever you feel the time is right.

    1. Take down the expectations a level or two
    You can’t expect as much from yourself and each other as before the lockdown. You still only have 24 hours in a day and one pair of hands. Relax and take a break. You’re perfectly imperfect just as you are.

    2. Presence & grounding
    To reduce any potential stress levels the first step for you to do is turn off your phone and decide what kind of (stay-at-home) life you really want and need right now. Sit with the thought and let the answers come to you. Your intuition will help you find the most important things for you. Invite your kids to do the same during a quiet moment. The next step is to take out everything that isn’t what you want right now. And I don’t mean physical items only. We’re talking about social media, TV, the flow of (bad) news, junk food, negative people…you name it.

    3. Minimise your to-do list
    It’s not the end of the world if you haven’t finished your never ending to-do list or that the kids’ homework is not perfectly done every single day. Do me a favour, cut down your to-do list to only a few carefully selected items for each day. You will notice how much more feasible it feels and maybe you tick them off quicker than you’d expected? Regardless: you are still enough even if you don’t finish a single thing.

    4. Gratitude and togetherness
    It’s really helped my family to hold regular family gratitude moments to share and truly listen to each other, even if the needs are quite basic for the small ones, they might mean the world to them! The biggest wish for the kids has mainly been about doing a small activity together, all 4 of us. It’s the little things that matter most.

    5. A tidy home truly equals a tidy mind
    Clutter is simply anything that stands between you and your ideal lifestyle. Your home can be perfectly tidy and still filled with clutter. Or it can also be filled with things and still provide an ideal source of growth. We’re all unique and one size does not fit all of us. Simplifying is not about minimalism, the amount of belongings or how it looks. What matters is how all these things help and support you move towards your ideal lifestyle. Think about how your home and environment make you feel? If you could get from feelings of overwhelm, maybe even hopelessness to light, happy, airy and joyful…would you do it? Lead by example for your family and start with any small (or big) tidying project that support you feeling amazing in your home. Tidying is contagious, you might be surprised…


    6. Be more with less
    Be mindful about what comes in to your home. Shop less if you can, and if you do need to shop, be aware, do some research on the origin, material of the items and working conditions. Make sure you choose well, long lasting and environmentally friendly. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Repurpose is a concept that works perfectly well in any household, especially when you don’t have direct access to shops right now. And honestly, the less material possessions you own the easier your home and life is to manage and maintain.

    7. Tidy tips and slow living
    When your home gets (too) messy invite your kids and family to take responsibility of a task or area, share the tasks and be involved. Let each family member visualise their ideal home and make a list of the most important organising goals for everyone. Make a visual list if helpful. Make sure that all things are returned to their homes after being used. As soon as people start leaving things around it will quickly get untidy. Ultimately the aim is to have less to do and to do more of what makes everyone happy!

    8. Find your inner Sisu

    Sisu is Finnish and has been defined as the word almost describing Finland. It has a vast amount of different meanings, from having guts to strength of will, determination and perseverance to sustaining courage. Sisu is in my Finnish DNA, it’s almost magical to us. Whatever your worries may be, find your inner Sisu – it will encourage and help you face your challenges.


    For more tips on home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living head over to my blog, visit my website and/or follow me on Instagram.

    Stay healthy and happy in your homes!



    This article was first published in a new, inspirational online magazine called Rich Woman Magazine. Take a look! 

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  • 5 tips to keep your family home organised during lockdown

    Our new normal is anything but normal, but also different depending on who you talk to. Is it possible for a family to keep a home tidy and organised during a lockdown? Yes! With a positive mindset and a ‘we can do this together’ attitude anything is possible.

    Even though, being a KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach myself and a fond advocate of the huge benefits of the KonMari Method®, I would always suggest that everyone should start their simplifying journey with reducing the amount of their belongings, I’m not asking you to do that. If decluttering is indeed something you do want to embark on, get started with joy checking your clothes and keep going, I will cheer you on and support you in any way I can! But if you feel that even thinking about a decluttering project is too overwhelming right now, let’s just focus on realistic, small and manageable steps to do as a family.

    To reduce stress levels the first step for you to do is decide what kind of stay-at-home life you really want and need right now. Sit with the thought and let the answers come to you. Your intuition will help you find the most important things for you. Invite your kids to do the same during a quiet moment. The next step is to take out everything that isn’t what you want right now. And I don’t mean physical items only. We’re talking about social media, TV, the flow of (bad) news, junk food, negative people…you name it.

    Here’s what you can do:

    1. 1. Hold a family meeting about your ideal organised home life and commit
      Let each family member visualise their ideal home and make a list of the most important organising goals for everyone. One goal per family member is enough. Keep the final list visible at all times and respect each other’s wishes at all times.

      An example list could look something like this:
      * Make your own bed every morning
      * Hang jackets and put away shoes to keep the entrance tidy and clutter free
      * Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher straight after use
      * Tidy away school books/work items straight after having finished
      * Tidy all toys back to their homes before dinner
    2. 2. Lead by example
      Kids naturally love order, but they need help with learning HOW to be orderly. Show them how to be tidy and organised. Start by tidying yourself. Maybe fold your clothes the KonMari way and save tons of storage space would help your daily routine? If your kids are anything like mine they will ask what you’re doing and want to have a tidy closet, toy basket or room themselves. It’s so much fun to tidy together – make it into a game and you will find that you’re actually starting to enjoy tidying together!


    3. 3. Make sure that all things are returned to their home after being used
      This is the Ultimate Tidy Tip. As soon as people start leaving things around it will get messy and untidy. Help the family by identifying a home for all items. Store likes with likes and label your shelves, boxes and baskets if you’re into that kind of thing. For small kids a picture on a box will help them recognise the right home for their different toys and makes it a fun task instead of a boring chore.


    4. 4. Responsibility
      Make every family member responsible for a task/room/a small area to keep tidy on a daily basis, depending on age. This makes children feel responsible and they will feel so proud being able to manage their own task. If needed and age appropriate you can add a daily reward chart to follow how well the tasks are going and maybe pay a small salary for a job well done at the end of the week. At the same time you teach your kids how to work smart and earn money. Win-win.


    5. 5. Personal space & power spot
      Make sure all family members have their own working space during the day, even if you all sit around the kitchen table, as well as their own power spot. A power spot is a space where everyone can go to find peace and get some important me-time, surrounded by a few of their most cherished belongings that bring them joy. When the favourite items are always kept at the personal power spot they will a) always be easily found and they will b) not be floating around the house either and needing to be tidied away.


    My final tip is my personal favourite. Simple yet so enjoyable. Bring in fresh flowers if you are able to find any! They will brighten up any space and make it look lighter, happy and updated.




    For more tips on home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living head over to my blog, visit my website and/or follow me on Instagram. And please don’t hesitate to share this blog with anyone you think might like learning more about these topics.

    Stay positive, stay healthy!

    This article post was first published on My Swiss Story, where you will find amazing resources and stories about expat life in Switzerland!

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  • 4 simple things that make a Happy Home

    I’ve wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember. But life happened and my writing never even started properly. I didn’t even know in which language to write! My third language feels so natural now I guess it’s fairly safe to start. One of my biggest inspirations is our kids’ former granny nanny Enni, a dear friend, who during her nanny year with us started blogging, at the age of 60. She’s still my every day heroine and oftentimes I find myself thinking, what would Enni say or encourage me to do now. I think she would love reading this blog, my blog.

    In these turbulent coronavirus times of staying at home, I needed a change. Just a small one, something realistic, inspirational and joyful. Something for me. So I decided to give blogging a go! I will share my thoughts about the big and small things in life that inspire me. Home, family, my work as a KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach, things I love from my Scandinavian and Nordic roots, sports, wellbeing and other stories..

    Mobile book case

    What makes a Happy Home?

    Health, Love, Laughter and Simplicity. Seriously, it is that simple. It’s not stuff, it’s not clothes or designer furniture or a fancy car or any of the things we’re being urged to buy everywhere. All. The. Time. Somewhere in the race we’ve lost the fundamentals. The essentials of being human. If this crisis has brought us something positive it’s exactly this. Time for people to re-examine their lives and what matters most.

    1. Health
    We have only one life. Be gentle and kind to yourself and others. Be bold, take chances, dare to live and love and make mistakes. We all do, that’s human.

    2. Love

    Love is all around us and within us. Just breathe, still yourself and quieten the chatter in your mind. Look around you and you’ll notice. It’s the magic of life and love out there. The more generously you give out, the more you receive.



    3. Laughter
    Laughing is honestly so good for you. Research shows that laughter, especially in a group, decreases our stress levels and boosts our immune system. What easier and better way is there to boost your health? 

    Humour is mankind’s greatest blessing.

    4. Simplicity

    Do you see beyond what you already have in life? Gratitude goes such a long way. The simple truth is that the less you own the easier your home and life is to maintain. A tidy home truly equals a tidy mind.



    WELCOME to my blog dear reader and friend. I’d love to hear any feedback you might have and any topic ideas you would like me to cover.

    Read more about me here or follow me on Instagram.

    Stay Safe, Healthy and Happy in Your Homes,


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