
  • How to BE more and DO less this autumn

    Life can get so cluttered, both physically and mentally, that you don’t even realise it. One of my immediate goals in life is to be able to have more freedom. It includes simplifying my living spaces and mind so that I have less stuff to manage daily, both physically and emotionally. Because at the end of the day, this way of life, or lifestyle, also gives me precious time back. What I say yes to are things that I really value, and that means something to me on a deep intuitive level.

    How about we all focus this summer on living more simply? Read on for some tips on how to feel lighter and more content with life.

    Simplify your home

    When you choose to own less, you choose to own your possessions too, instead of the other way around. You will have more time for what you really care for and more money to spend on the things you truly value.

    “Owning less means less cleaning, less burden, less anxiety, and less stress each and every day.”

    You can always start small and declutter one tiny area each day, i.e. your wallet, car, beauty products, bags, beach gear, garden shed, water bottles etc. Give it no more than 15 mins per day and then go out, have fun and celebrate your accomplishment!

    However, if you’re totally new to decluttering, do ping me with a message so I can help you get started, as it might be an overwhelming task, and all you get is more stress, which we certainly don’t want.

    Focus on the essentials and get out of debt

    Living simply is as much about honouring our environment as it is about honouring ourselves and our values. Could you challenge yourself to only focus on the essentials for one season and not buy more unnecessary things?

    Everyone has a different comfort level regarding the ideal amount of possessions, so do remember not to force your level of comfort onto other people. Find your own contentment level, and you’ll feel more aligned with yourself.

    Be selective about what you say yes to

    Being selective isn’t always a walk in the park. It’s a tough one, especially for those of us living far away from friends and family and going back home seasonally. So many friends and family members to see and parties and get-togethers to attend…but all of this goodness might also become a trap. Bless them; what your friends and family don’t think about is that you have already organised your home and family for the holidays, packed, travelled and finally settled into your temporary accommodation. You might need a break too!

    Of course, you also want to see your people, that’s part of why you go back home, but it might just all become too much. And the last thing you want and need is conflicts with your near and dear ones.

    So how can you solve it? It’s pretty simple. By being extremely and harshly selective. By organising maybe one get together with more people instead of separate meetings with them all. Not everyone will like it, but this is about honouring your boundaries and what makes you feel good. Trust your instincts.

    Or as Greg Mckeown so aptly puts it: “If it isn’t a clear yes, it’s a clear no.”


    Schedule empty days

    If you’re new to the concept of scheduling empty hours in your calendar during the week, this is the next level of the fantastic deep work you can access by choosing emptiness. It is the ultimate self-care for autumn. Your time to do absolutely nothing but what your heart desires. Put away your phone and read, swim, meditate, journal, stare at the stars…and be conscious about the changes within you that will take place, slowly but surely.

    Focus on sleep and nourishing your best YOU

    I don’t know who needs to hear this, but sleep is vital for everything in life! And I confess that I don’t sleep enough. So I’ve committed to focusing on sleep and eating foods that make me happy and nourish me. What healthy habits can you focus on during the autumn? Just a tiny habit that can tremendously impact the rest of your life? Sleep, nutrition, exercise, drinking more water, meditation, journaling, calling a friend, hiring a coach…It can really be anything that makes you feel amazing about yourself. Sleep on it and feel into what’s the right thing just for you. Asking someone else and focusing on their goals is not an aligned decision. Make sure you ask your own body for what it needs to serve you at its best.

    Create boundaries for tech

    We all know how addictive tech devices can be. They drain us of energy and make us waste a lot of time. On your journey to living a simpler life, this certainly is a topic needing attention. What can you do to change your tech habits?


    Here are a few tips:

    – Create boundaries for how much you consume news or social media daily. You can simply turn on the limitations already installed on your phone.

    – Create boundaries for when you use your tech devices and stick to these timings

    – Consider making all meals tech-free. This way, we act as the best role models for ourselves and our kids.

    Notice and track how the different tech platforms, news or social media make you feel. If they drain you of energy and all you get is more stress, it’s maybe time for a reset. The first step is to become aware of it and then take appropriate action towards less.

    Lastly, do things and meet with people who uplift you, energise you and make you feel seen. This is what nourishes our body, mind and soul.

    Be your authentic you. Be more by doing less.

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  • Digital organisation – 5 tips to share your life

    Lately I’ve been brainstorming a lot about how to truly help and support people to thrive and live a life that’s calm, enjoyable, meaningful, and fulfilling. My mission is to help you get there, by simplifying, decluttering and organising every area of your home, business, and life so that you can design and create your own ideal way of living. This all becomes one step tougher being an expat without a support network.

    Yes, it for sure takes time for most of us to figure out how to thrive and what our true purpose in life is. What is absolutely certain, however, is that it cannot become clear if we hide behind our past, our physical stuff, our digital clutter or excuses of any sort. Physical or mental clutter, visual or hidden…it’s all the same block hindering us seeing the forest for the trees.

    What I’ve learned from many of my expat friends and clients (and from myself too!) is that sometimes after a huge effort, like settling into a new country, exhausted after a big move and all that it entails, we experience analysis paralysis. Instead of organising ourselves, taking action to move forward towards that joyful and meaningful life, we do nothing. Nada. Zip zero. And that’s totally OK! Accept it, acknowledge it and embrace it. Once this period of recovery is over, however, it’s time to get out there.

    Community is one of the most important, if not THE most important aspects of expat life. Find your tribe, big or small, as long as you have someone to share life’s ups and downs with and get you out of the house locally. If you’re new to Switzerland, check out a few of the below amazing expat initiatives:

    Firstly, there is our own Coffee with a purpose organised by Pragati and My Swiss Story. The objective is very simple – every month a small group of women will come together over a cup of coffee and practice meaningful networking.

    Another community initiative is The Happy Hub (of which I’m a happy sisterhood member too!), where you can connect and meet (online and/or in-person) with like-minded women.

    Creating memories is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Memories are what we cherish the most and keep with us in our hearts, no matter where and how far away we are from our loved ones. With today’s tech overload we’re able to take pictures just about anywhere and anytime.

    Explore your surroundings, take those pictures, and make sure you’re in some of them too! It’s also a digital legacy we leave for future generations and this legacy needs to be taken care of with respect, care, and some discipline. Why discipline? Well, read on.

    Tip 3: Digital organisation made simple

    If you think about future generations, are your digital files and photos organised so that your loved ones are able to access your precious photos and important documents? Or are they just left unorganised on a hard drive behind unknown passwords? Have a think about your current digital organisation systems and storage solutions. 50K+ pictures “just stored” on your phone do not serve anyone, do they?! Thousands of emails in an overflowing inbox, a desktop with hundreds of files on top of each other…a phone with so many unused apps and clutter that you’ve given up on where to start.

    I know, it makes you feel anxious and overwhelmed. I know, because I’ve been there. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Ultimately, in order to keep your digital files organised, you will also need cloud syncing, a backup system and preferably an external hard drive too. And PS: Just ask for help if this sounds like an obstacle you are unable to get your head around.

    Tip 4: Share and create

    Your family and friends living far away from you want to hear from you. They really do! There are so many options and possibilities you can do these days, the list is indefinite. However, what many of us underestimate is the power of physical photos. Have the best ones printed and send them off, or make a photo book for Christmas or as a gift. It is truly an expression and gift of love.

    Examples of how to share your digital photos:

    • Email/messaging/social media
    • Print outs
    • Online family galleries
    • Digital photo frame (you can upload new ones remotely)
    • Photo books (monthly, yearly)
    • Printed photo calendars
    • Photo products (mugs, pillows, key rings, etc.)

    If you want your digital photos to stay organised the first thing we need is a change of mindset and daily habits. What is that supposed to mean? Well, rather than scrolling social media when you pick up your phone for the 256th time during the day, go into your Photos app and DELETE anything you don’t need from the previous 24 hours! For most of us 5 mins per day is enough and you’re done. Choose a timing, set a reminder, sleep and repeat.

    Delete ruthlessly and fearlessly the following:

    Bad/blurry shots
    Screenshots you no longer want/need

    If you have an iPhone select ONE out of 100 bursts pictures and make sure to choose a ‘key photo’ of any live photos you’ve made. They will be taking up so much less space than the tiny live photo videos do.

    This way your photos are always updated, chosen with joy, and already selected as top ones for potential future photo books. And your phone memory will thank you.

    Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious when thinking about your digital files?
    Make sure to download my app and get started with the digital decluttering challenge!
    The goal is to regain control over your tech and feel peace and calm within.


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  • Hello holidays: the ultimate home and packing prep guide

    There are few things more stressful than the last weeks before the long awaited summer holidays, especially if you’re travelling for most of the holidays. We’re not even used to travelling anymore, so in these pandemic times at least some of our expectations might be astronomically high. So what makes up our pre holiday stress? It can be work to finish, kids’ end of year school events, teacher gifts, a household to prepare for going away as well as returning, laundry, packing, gardening, home admin, covid tests…the list is endless.

    With this guide I hope you can get yourself and your home organised enough to tick off some of the chores already before leaving. You will enjoy your time away even more as well as knowing that you’re not returning to an endless to do list and a chaotic home.

    1. Work: Clear the mental clutter and put on your ‘Out of office’ a few days early

    This trick helps colleagues getting used to the fact that an instant response is not required at all times. By reminding them that you will respond but that it might take a bit longer due to the holiday period, you will help yourself reducing the amount of requests and emails coming in before your actual holidays and support reducing also the mental clutter.

    2. Home: prepare your home to allow for rest and more mental space

    Running a household and a family involves a million chores and things to do during a year. Just for these summer holidays, try prepping yourself with the help of this list and see if it makes you feel lighter and less mentally burdened. Are you able to focus more on being present in the now? Are you able to give your family your fullest attention? Give yourself a well deserved break from all the to do’s in your mind and focus on recharging your batteries. If you have small kids, I know you get very little done , but consider getting help for a few hours so you can help yourself in the long run!

    If you’re ready to give it a go, these simple ‘before leaving chores’ might be a total game changer. And make sure to involve any older kids to be responsible for their own rooms. By teaching them to start young we offer them a gift for life:

    a) Change bed linen in advance

    Do this 1-2 days before leaving so there’s no stress on the actual travelling day and it will feel great to return home to clean sheets.

    b) Wash all laundry and return everything to their homes

    Wash all your laundry up until a couple of days before departure so you have time to dry and fold and return it all to their home address.

    c) Pause your mail, newspapers, gym subscriptions etc.

    You might need to give notice a few weeks earlier for pausing any mail or subscriptions, so make sure to check all terms and conditions as early as possible.

    d) Pre-program any outstanding bills to be paid on the due date

    E-banking is made for this. Pre-program any bills that need attention during the time you’re away and it’s instantly out of your mind.


    e) Go through the fridge and toss anything that already has or will expire during your holiday

    This doesn’t need to take more than 15 mins and can be done a few days before travelling. Look through the food, keep what you can, donate the good stuff to your neighbour, toss the rest and wipe off the shelves.

    f) Make sure you have food for the first day back

    Leave some essentials in the freezer as well as some dry foods in a cupboard so you don’t need to go grocery shopping the same day you return or if returning late at night.

    g) Clean the house to your liking so you know it will feel great to return

    I’ve said this before and I will say it again: a tidy home equals a tidy mind. Give yourself the gift of coming home to a clean, inviting and orderly space where you can give yourself a moment to ground yourself and your family before getting back into the routines.

    h) Give an extra key to a friend or neighbour who can water any plants and check on your house when you’re away

    Weather conditions are currently extreme in many parts of the world. We just had a water damage in our house due to extreme rain, luckily noticed before going away, so make sure you have agreed with someone to check regularly on your home. Or simply to keep your plants alive too.

    i) Empty the balcony/garden of any unnecessary items that might get destroyed by turbulent weather

    In the past month we’ve had the strongest gales and hail storms in years, which might destroy outdoor furniture and plants if not protected properly. Remove everything that might fly away or can be moved indoors so you can sleep in peace.

    j) Refuel the car and give it a quick wash if needed

    A refuelled and clean car sets you up for an even nicer return.

    3. Packing: Plan and prepare your capsule holiday wardrobe

    Start planning early to avoid any last-minute stress and potential wrong decisions. Try to plan outfits in advance if possible – take with you only what you need. If you know what kind of events you will be attending, plan the outfit and check if it can be mixed and matched with other outfits too. Be honest, if you’re not sure if you’ll really wear it, leave it at home. Avoid overpacking!

    I have a thing for number 3. When styling an interior you also look for grouping items in threes. Most of the time you won’t be needing more than 3 different items within the same category, especially if you’re able to wash your clothes at your destination. Try this time saving and sanity saving packing list (for a min. week long trip):

    3 pairs of trousers/jeans

    3 dresses for different occasions

    3 pairs of shorts/skirts

    3 pairs of shoes

    3 t-shirts

    3 tops

    3 sweaters/hoodies/cardigans for chilly evenings (depending on destination)

    3 bras

    underwear/socks for each day (at least 3, double it up to be safe)

    2 pyjamas (yes, I know, destroys the number 3…but no need for 3 sets)

    3 sports outfits

    3 pieces of swimwear (a mix of swim suits/bikinis and a cover up)

    3 bags (suitcase and 2 other bags for day/evening use)

    3 pairs of ear rings/jewellery to mix and match

    Potential jacket(s) depending on destination

    4. The ultimate packing guide: love the KonMari fold

    Vertical folding saves a lot of space, also in a suitcase! Roll thinner fabrics, for example, summer dresses, to prevent wrinkles. Delicate items and potential suits might be better off laid flat on top of everything else or carefully folded in the special hanging/folding compartment included in many suitcases. If you need any help with folding, please reach out!

    When I found Organista packing cubes a few years ago, it changed my family’s whole packing business for good. Packing cubes come in different sizes and are usually ca 10 cm high which means you can simply transfer your readily file folded items from your closet directly into a packing cube and the clothes stay neat for the whole duration of your trip. They protect the clothes and are see-through so you will easily be able to see what’s in them too. If you don’t want to use packing cubes you can of course also place your folded items directly in the suitcase.

    5. How to keep your packing organised while away

    Unpack everything as soon as you arrive at your destination. It makes you feel welcome and ready to start enjoying your new environment when everything has a home again. As a family of four we usually need quite a bit of storage space. But since my beloved packing cubes are see-through, I tend to keep storing our clothes in the cubes during the whole holiday, unless you have a lot of extra space where you can unpack the contents of yours and your family members’ suitcases. If you have shelves or drawers just gently move your file folded packages directly to the assigned storage space and hang any dresses that look happier when they’re hung.

    6. Returning home: stress free unpacking

    With the risk of sounding like a stuck cd player as well as a nagging mom, I will re-emphasize the importance of unpacking all suitcases immediately. Laundry can simply be dropped directly from the suitcase into the correct laundry basket and a first load put on within half an hour of returning home. The clean and still folded items may be put back into the respective closets and re-used. When all luggage has been unpacked within hours of returning you’re done with the largest part and you can start tackling the other household chores after a good night’s sleep in clean sheets.

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  • Simplify your kitchen and get ready to party

    It’s time. It’s getting warmer and we are slowly getting back from Covid isolation to soon being able to host guests again. Simple fact: your kitchen is one of the most used rooms in your home by now. Starting to simplify and reorganise the heart of the home is one of the best decisions you could ever make! Why? Because a tidy, clutter-free kitchen does make you happier. Can you trust me on this one?

    Who confesses they have had some, if not all, of the following thoughts when trying to figure out the best way to organise their kitchen?

    * My kitchen is way too small, it’s an impossible task to get organised and fit everything in.
    * I can’t find anything, I just throw things in wherever I find a gap.
    * I have no clue what is hidden in the cupboards, behind the stuff I use most frequently.
    * It’s such an ordeal to clean my kitchen, my counters are full of stuff that has no home.
    * I don’t know what we have when I go grocery shopping, and I frequently end up with multiple identical items.
    * I never bake (anymore), it’s so difficult to get my baking items out of different cupboards.

    Well, who doesn’t have a dream about a designer kitchen with space for everything you can dream of and more. We’re not here to smash those dreams, let’s just make the absolute best out of what we have right now until that dream kitchen comes along. All you need is 3 things: a good playlist, some undisturbed time and a big dose of commitment. We will declutter, we will let go of the excess, we will simplify and we will reorganise. Are you with me?

    #1 Back to basics

    A kitchen with less stuff will look cleaner, more inspirational and more satisfyingly calm. If you wish to get a properly organised kitchen, once and for all, with space for all you really want and need in there, have a think about the following:

    Look through your appliances and gadgets.
    Chances are you’re not even close to using all you have.

    Life is to be enjoyed, use only your favourite tableware.
    Let go of dishes you don’t use or dislike.

    Keep only quality cookware.
    You know you will only use those few favourites anyway.

    Store things with ease of access in mind.
    If your xx items are hard to reach you will not take them out. Ever.
    My Happy home

    #2 Clear countertops

    The countertops are for holding your essentials only. And besides, the clearer the counters the easier they are to clean! Display only frequently used appliances (unless they fit in a cupboard) and things you enjoy looking at, like a favourite cutting board or a bowl of fruit. Or fresh flowers. Whatever makes everyday life a little easier and a little bit more happy for you. And if you’re one of those piling up mail and papers on the kitchen counters, we need to talk ;) Let’s designate a mail area, rather than cluttering up your zen looking kitchen!

    #3 Pantry – decanting and seeing exactly what you have

    It took me years to see the point of decanting. Decanting by the way means taking food out of its’ original packaging and placing it in another container. I always thought it’s a waste of time and then you lose the information on the package. Little did I know what a big impact it was about to have on me. When I finally ditched the plastic packages and the visual clutter, I couldn’t stop looking at my gorgeous glass jars! And it made me so happy to see what I had so I automatically used more and some of the items in totally new ways. And since it’s so easy to see the contents of a jar or a bottle, as soon as the level reaches low you can put it on your shopping list. And remember, there’s no need to go out and buy a lot of new jars, just repurpose any glass jars you already have at home and your pantry will look like an attractive zero waste grocery store.

    #4 Cupboard and drawer organisation

    If you have lots of big drawers in your kitchen, consider yourself lucky! They’re the best kitchen storage solution you can have. But most of us aren’t blessed with huge drawers all around so let’s look at a few tips for shelves:

    • * Store items by category
    • * Use dividers for cutlery and utensils
    • * Heavy items further down and lighter items higher up
    • * Pay attention to materials and frequency of use
    • * If you have high shelves you might want to put in a little extra shelf unit to use as a double shelf.

    #5 Contain likes with likes

    Storing similar items together in a container will be a game changer. Make a breakfast bin (with amazing berry goodies from Pure Nordic), a snack bin, a coffee/tea bin, a baking bin..all you need for your everyday moments. Simply take out the bin, make your breakfast and back with the bin. If you place the bin low enough even smaller kids could be given the responsibility to bring out a bin of choice, just don’t place any raw eggs in that bin!

    Get creative in your kitchen, dance around to good music, have fun, enjoy good food in good company and remember :

    What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.

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