
  • From overwhelm to organised life mastery in 5 simple steps

    Already at the beginning of this year I was exhausted, overwhelmed and I felt hugely frustrated that I couldn’t just get it all together. I felt like I worked so hard but it was never enough on any level and yet I was needed everywhere at the same time! Sound familiar? Having two young kids, a business to run, a busy husband, a household to manage incl. cooking lunches and dinners and turning into a taxi driver for the afternoon hobbies…not to forget the constant unrest the global pandemic was and still is adding to the game. No wonder I thought I was about to get burned out.

    Well, struggle is part of growing. Accepting all feelings as they were and are, knowing I’m so much more than just those feelings of inadequacy slowly made everything ‘figureoutable’, as Marie Forleo so aptly calls her bestselling book and philosophy. It is a word that makes you realise nothing is impossible — it only takes some time, effort, and sometimes ingenuity, to get things done differently.

    “I’m a lost case. I don’t know how to organise my stuff, let alone myself”

    Nope. Let’s start with the GOOD NEWS. What if I told you it’s possible to clear the clutter and simplify your life, both on the inside as well as on the outside? Well, it is. Anyone can learn to be organised! Even as a KonMari Consultant & Life Coach I’m still figuring things out myself, so take my word for it. If I can do it, you can do it too.

    The next step is all about mindset and intention. Initialising and internalising a mindset change that you have the ability to be organised and you have the tools to overcome any obstacle or overwhelm will make a huge difference. Knowledge and the ability to change is key. When you know what to do, you’ll be a master of your own life in no time. And if you feel or get stuck, I’m just a message away. 

    1. Spring clear your home and mind

    What does it even mean to clear your home and mind? Think of it as a brain dump or download. Write down all the tasks that need to happen in your home and family on a daily and weekly basis. A rough example could look something like this:

    Daily tasks

    • make beds
    • breakfast
    • kitchen quick clean up
    • load dishwasher
    • cooking
    • work/homework
    • quality time with kids/partner
    • logistics, ie. kids, pets
    • quick tidy up
    • etc.

    Weekly tasks

    • prep for the week
    • meal plan
    • quality time with kids/partner
    • self care
    • admin
    • laundry
    • grocery shopping
    • cleaning
    • house/car/sports equipment maintenance
    • etc.

    In other words, make a clear plan of what is needed in your home and life for your life to function well and for everyone living in that home to feel happy and balanced. It means to have a rough, clear plan of when things need to be taken care of, and by whom, so they don’t pile up and become a daunting task you just want to ignore forever.

    2. Say no – design a simplified, minimal & joyful lifestyle

    Let go of unnecessary mental clutter and start prioritising YOU by setting clear boundaries. Say no to everything that doesn’t bring you closer to your real and ideal life. I used to say yes to way more than was ever healthy or sane, always trying to help and please others. Keep your energy and precious time to yourself, and don’t let so called energy thieves drain you of what belongs to you.

    And remember – say YES to everything you do want and need in order to feel good about yourself and your life! What you will gain is a life filled with peace, calm, gratitude, joy and time for the things that truly matter to you.

    3. Simplify and organise your entrance

    Our entrance is our business card to the world – and when it’s filled with visual clutter it drains our energy and increases our stress levels. It’s the first thing you (and any potential visitor) see each time you return home and each time you leave. It’s an important space that should make you feel welcome and relaxed every time. Make sure to only keep essential, frequently used items in the entrance area and that each family member has a designated drawer or area for his/her own things to keep everything manageable. And don’t forget the area around the front door – a tidy space and a seasonal flower or a wreath creates an instant mood booster.

    A tidy, clutter free, organised entrance area makes daily life simple and effortless. It creates a beautiful, welcoming gateway to your most
    intimate space – your home.

    4. Tidy kitchen tops & paper clutter

    The less visual clutter and appliances is out on the kitchen counters, the easier it is to keep the kitchen clean, clear and tidy. Loading the dishwasher or washing the dishes immediately after a meal is equally key to a tidy kitchen.

    What does paper have to do with kitchen organisation? Well, I’ve noticed that a lot of people have this undefined paper pile, usually on the kitchen counter. My best tip is to handle any physical mail immediately as it comes in. A lot of it can be recycled instantly. If there is something to action it can be moved to an admin folder to be dealt with weekly.

    5. Tame the daily mess in just 10 minutes

    After dinner, put on some relaxing music and engage your family to tidy up the day for 10 mins only. Anything that has been left out during the day; remote controls, toys, newspapers, home work, clothes… and return all of the items to their homes before heading to bed. It’s a game changer which will set the tone for the next day so you can all start fresh with a tidy mind in a tidy home.

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  • KonMari your relationship

    The moment you choose to discover and accept your most authentic self, magic happens. You will liberate yourself, peel off the inessential, and become free to fully own your life. So what does it have to do with your relationship? Well, it all starts with loving yourself. Without self love, there is no capacity to genuinely love another.

    Remember, when we were still able to travel by plane….? Put on the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others. Or, putting it in KonMari and decluttering terms: you can’t KonMari anyone else before you’ve KonMari’d yourself.

    When it comes to intimate relationships, knowing what does and does not spark joy isn’t as simple as it is for objects, but the KonMari philosophy is the same.


    Introspection – happiness comes from within

    Taking care of your inner world is crucial for achieving happiness. According to positive psychology researcher Sonya Lybomirsky“happiness is the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile”. External factors also shape the way we think and feel about life, ourselves, and our partner, especially now, having lived with a global pandemic for a year.

    So what is the reason we should look deep within ourselves first before looking after our partner? It’s not uncommon that we project our feelings and see our own flaws in others, resulting in unfair criticism. Yeah, most of us have done it at some point in time. So go back, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if there are areas within you needing some (more) decluttering, love and care. Here’s how:

    Take care of yourself

    Spend time in nature. Exercise regularly. Eat healthy and nutritious food. Make time for yourself and spend time doing what you love, also alone. Be grateful for what you have and exercise mindfulness in a way that resonates with you. Rest and sleep enough, it makes all the difference for your mood and mindset (especially if you have kids!). A healthy body leads to a healthy mind which also reflects in your relationship.

    Detox your life from anything that doesn’t serve you

    Just like you would KonMari your clothes and any other belongings, take a look at all areas in your life with the same spark joy mentality in mind. Surround yourself and your partner only with people that support, uplift, and nourish you. Assess your home, health, relationships, purpose and work life, finances, commitments, lifestyle, consumption, fun, and values. Letting go of anything that drains you of energy, toxic even, will create more space for you and your partner to live with less stress and enjoy more tranquility and quality of life.







    Invite fresh joy into your relationship with these 4 tips

    Whether you feel like embarking on a joint decluttering journey or just wish to communicate better make sure to discuss your vision, ideal lifestyle, and common goals. Listen, learn and care about your partner’s dreams, hopes and wishes – you might be surprised at what you hear and it might just be the motivator you need to start that long due project.

    1# Prioritise by creating uninterrupted date space in your diary

    No more excuses. In other words, ruthlessly declutter your calendar from insignificant commitments that you simply don’t enjoy but feel you need to attend for various reasons. You actually need to invest time in your relationship and prioritise your partner if you want your relationship to work! Schedule a regular weekly date, whether you stay home for take away dinner or take a walk around the block. Take turns in organising something fun for each other, be creative. Try a new hobby together. Make it simple, especially now when options are limited anyway, it doesn’t need to be complicated to spend quality time together, as long as it’s without any distractions.

    #2 Declutter your bedroom

    Maybe you would be keen on more romance but your partner’s clothes are piled up all over the bedroom? The bedside tables full of visual clutter? You may not even realise how much this affects you subconsciously by increasing your stress levels. If you want your bedroom to feel calm and be an inviting place where you can rest and recharge the most powerful thing you can do for yourselves is to tidy up. Fold that laundry, clear those surfaces and wash those sheets and bedding on a regular basis. Make your bedroom your own, fresh haven of harmony and happiness.

    #3 Unplug from your tech devices

    The wasted time scrolling on social media is never coming back to you. Maybe those messages and emails can wait until tomorrow? One of the most appreciative and caring things you can do for your partner is to turn off your devices at a certain time each day (unless you’re expecting an important call/message) and be available and present in the moment.

    #4 Surprise your partner

    Do you know what your partner likes? What makes him/her tick? Surprise your partner from time to time by doing just that. Whether it’s cooking an amazing meal, hugging, kissing, wearing sexy underwear, or leaving hidden love notes for your partner to find. Whatever you do, never take your partner for granted, stay positive and grateful, always. That is truly attractive.

     This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • 8 steps to curating a wardrobe you love. Top tips from stylist Monika Mueller.

    Covid, lockdowns and many of us mainly working from home has immensely changed the way we dress and show up every day. However, we can and should get up every day, get out of our pyjamas and choose to show up, as if we weren’t staying home all day. In addition, it has a massive impact on our mental wellbeing if we choose to dress with joyful pieces of clothing from a curated, well organised wardrobe, and act as if every day is a fantastic opportunity to shine (which it is)!

    Top tips for an organised, joyful and curated closet

    If you’ve followed my blog posts and KonMari tips over the past year your wardrobe must be decluttered and perfectly organised by now! And if it’s not, don’t worry, here are some simple tips to bring joy and more order to it!

      I hate to tell you this, but your wardrobe will never be perfect, ever. We are all human, and we will continue to make mistakes and shopping errors and our bodies will change. And that’s OK! Just make sure to continuously declutter and edit what you own. The perfect timing is always right before a season change.
      It’s finally time to let go of those unfitting items that are at the back of the closet waiting for a different body shape. The truth is, you will feel so much better when all you have in your closet sparks joy, has a perfect fit and is comfortable to wear!
      It will make you feel so good to give things away to a new home, where they can be reused and appreciated.
      This tip will make your closet smile back at you every time you open it. My favourites are the thin velvet ones, which keep slippery items in place, as well as look gorgeous and tidy.
      Folding makes such a big difference when it comes to smaller items. Try file folding at least with your jeans, sweaters, t-shirts and underwear. You will notice how much calmer your drawers/shelves will look and you will easily be able to see all your favourites at a glance! And you don’t need to go out and buy specific boxes or containers for your folded items. Use what you’ve got in your home (shoe boxes are great!) or let the items stand alone on a shelf, supported by other clothing items.
      Whether it’s a picture of a loved one, a drawing your child gave you or your wedding shoes – display them so that you get a smile on your lips every time you open your closet.

    Opening up your closet should be like arriving at a really good party where everyone you see is someone you like.


    8 Top stylist tips from Monika Mueller on how to refresh your wardrobe


    I teamed up with the lovely Monika Mueller, founder of Signature Five, a personal stylist service in Zurich and asked her all about how we can style our current wardrobe with a little more happiness and sparkle in these challenging times. Enjoy her tips!


    Tip 1: How do I know which colours suit me best?

    MM: I’m sure you’ve experienced walking into a store, loving a certain colour and when you try it on it either makes your skin glow and radiate or it does the opposite, makes your skin look dull and causes shadows.  Colour reflects differently on different skin tones and characteristics.  Having been trained by Colour Me Beautiful for every skin tone there is a spectrum of colours that work best.  What I mean by that is colours that create balance and harmony and compliment your skin tone.

    So, for example, if you have a warm skin tone, colours that would work best for you are shades which have a yellow base.  If you have a cooler skin tone, colours with a blue base would work better for you.

    Tip 2: What is the best way to determine my own unique style?

    MM: I always like to think how do you want to turn up in the world? How do you envision yourself? That is the starting point. Because our style should encapsulate the best version of ourselves and tell everyone what we’re about.

    We all have a certain style we gravitate towards, even if people say they don’t have style, they do but maybe it’s not the style they would like. As there is so much choice now a days and also lots of information on what we should be wearing, we can get lost in having a style that truly represents US.

    With my clients, I do a style personality test which identifies what overall style appeals to them. And another important aspect I look at is my client’s lifestyle.

    If for example you love Meghan Markle and Victoria Beckham’s style but you are a stay-at-home mom with little kids, this look wouldn’t fit into your daily life but you can take inspiration from this.  You probably want to feel more put together, have clothes that are flattering and good quality and look chic during the day. So, I would incorporate elements of this to make you feel good but also have clothes that are practical for your lifestyle. As mentioned before I also look at what are my clients overall goals and I make sure their outer appearance represents this.

    Tip 3: How would you advise people working from home to dress in both a comfy way but also appropriate for online meetings?

    MM: Well, I have two free handy guides; one giving suggestions on what to wear for video conferencing and the other one is Work From Home outfit formulas.  I also share tips on setting the stage for your video conferencing as you always want to make sure you are giving off a professional image even if you are working from home.

    Tip 4: I have a closet full of clothes but nothing inspires me. Is there a way to combine the items differently or should I just discard what doesn’t speak to me?

    MM: If your closet is full and you’re not utilizing more than 80% of it then I would definitely do a wardrobe detox and get rid of any clothes that aren’t serving you. However, prior to doing that, think of it as a project. When you have a project, you start with a plan and what you want the end result to be. The same thing applies to your style. Think about what kind of style do you want? How do you want your mornings to be when getting ready? And how do you want to turn up?

    The second step, get your style juices going. Getting some inspiration of style and clothes helps with ultimately seeing what type of garments we want to see hanging in our wardrobe. I’m a big fan of Pinterest.

    I would also experiment with your clothes. We tend to wear our clothes the same way, again you can use Pinterest for outfit inspiration.  Try combining your clothes differently and play around with accessories.  Just adding a belt can make the world of difference.

    Tip 5: How can I make smarter and more mindful choices when shopping?

    MM: Buy with purpose and intention. Basically, before you hit the shops think about what you need.  I always recommend keeping a list in your wallet of items you would like. So next time you hit the shops, you just whip out the list stopping you from making any impulse purchases.

    Another handy tip when buying something ask yourself ‘can I style this two different ways with items in my wardrobe?’  If the answer is no, then the chances of you getting the most wears out of this item is slim.

    And for staple pieces or pieces that you know will live in your wardrobe for a while I would say buy the best quality you can afford. To be mindful and to shop smarter always think less is more, and quality over quantity.

    Tip 6: Would you recommend having a capsule wardrobe, i.e. having a few selected items that all work together?

    MM: For many when using the word ‘capsule’ they automatically think omg this means I can only have a few clothes in my wardrobe on rotation.

    For me what’s important is that you utilize your wardrobe to the fullest. You could have lots of clothes or you could just have a few clothes, but what’s important is that you get the most wear out of your clothes and have a wardrobe that you can easily mix and match.  I recommend having a functional cohesive wardrobe whatever the size. When you have this, getting ready every morning becomes easy & effortless.

    Tip 7: How can I spice up my current wardrobe with little investment?

    MM: Accessories – just adding accessories can make the world of difference and also add versatility into your wardrobe. Another thing that can spice up your wardrobe but depending on your style personality and lifestyle is a statement blazer or jacket. Just having a well-fitted blazer or a beautiful jacket can instantly up-level your style. Also having variation in shoes can dress up and dress down any outfit.

    Tip 8: If I want to get myself a new spring wardrobe – how shall I choose what staple items to buy?

    MM: I would firstly look at what you already have in your wardrobe and what you feel is missing. I would also look for inspiration, again Pinterest is great for this.  Even magazines or influencers etc.

    I personally don’t like to give a generic list of staple pieces, because it should be dependent on your style personality, and lifestyle, and clothes that flatter your body. By getting some inspiration and seeing what you would get the most wear out of, these are the items I would say buy.

    Try not to go for what’s on-trend unless it’s something that you really like and know you can pull it off. Otherwise, I would invest in pieces that you know you will wear for many springs.

    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • Tidy goals 2021: 6 tips to start small and grow big

    I’ve never been a fan of new year’s resolutions. Two weeks into the new year I had usually already failed them all and the mountain of guilt grew higher. It’s a little bit like being a cat or a dog person. You either have a preference or you don’t. And it’s also totally OK not to like either! Right now social media is bursting with classes and webinars and challenges to make your life great again, and all is to start now! Covid or no Covid, I find that all this January fuzz has way too much pressure, which nobody needs more of. However, I LOVE long term intentional goal setting and making mindful plans for the new year. Allowing it to take time and implementing tiny changes at a pace to suit yourself and your family is key to sustainable success.

    Join us on the journey to tiny lifestyle changes – HAPPY & TIDIER NEW YEAR! 

    Up your home game, one tiny step at a time

    It looks like we’ll be spending a lot more time at home until we have this pandemic under control. Let’s focus on what we are able to control – OUR OWN HOME. You can choose to make small intentional changes with a big impact: Up your game (but do not try to up it to perfectionism!)


    #Tip 1: Start your day with an accomplishment: air the bedroom and make the bed

    This may sound too easy and self-evident, but believe me, it’s not. It has a big impact on you if you start the day with accomplishment, positivity, and intention. 

    Opening the windows, letting the day with fresh air in, thinking of (or write down) a few things you’re grateful for and eventually making the bed is the first set of activities for your morning. Your first accomplishment. Make these activities into your 5-10 min meditation in the fresh air and think mindfully about your day and what you wish to get done. Remember to be kind and talk kindly to yourself without adding pressure. And leave the phone out of sight until you’re ready for the day, physically and mentally. A tidy space leads to a tidy and calm mind.


    #Tip 2: Make time for true focus as well as empty time

    Multitasking is a thing of the past. I cannot emphasise this enough – it is absolutely crucial to focus on as little as possible! Being busy as parents, entrepreneurs, and/or employees and only having a limited amount of hours in the day to focus on your work, I have only one tip for you: focus on a few carefully chosen topics for each day. Your to-do list should be manageable and realistic. Depending on the day I have around 3-5 topics on my daily to-do list. Yes, only. It makes me so happy when I have managed to tick them all off. And if not, they will get on top of the list for the next day. Remember: less is more! Lastly, don’t forget to actually schedule empty time into your day. You need it to refresh your mind, getting creative, going outside, or simply for being present, for yourself or for your loved ones.


    #Tip 3: Empty counters and clear surfaces

    Trying to keep countertops in the kitchen and other surfaces free from stuff and clutter has made a massive difference to my family’s daily life. In the kitchen it means that you have a lot of space to spread out when you cook or bake. No large amounts of utensils or spices and oil bottles to move around. Keeping on display only the bare essentials makes the kitchen a joy to cook in as well as a breeze to clean afterwards. 
    The dining table is equally important to keep clear so there is space for the kids to do their homework or arts and craft projects. The entrance is your welcome area, try to keep it tidy at all times to welcome both yourself and visitors to your haven of harmony.


    #Tip 4: Returning things to their homes after use as quickly as possible

    Make it into a habit when coming home to return bikes, kick-boards, jackets, shoes, backpacks, hats and mittens to their homes. It is also a means of respect towards your belongings, to put them to rest after serving you well. And it also means you will always know where to find them when you need them again. Win-win.


    #Tip 5: Take 10 mins to tidy your home daily

    Involve each family member, put on some happy music and get going! Do this each day approximately at the same time, before or after dinner for example. At the end of the day put away recently used toys, games, work papers and school stuff where they belong. It doesn’t need to take long to maintain a certain basic tidiness of your home when you make it fun and do it together!


    #Tip 6: Take 5 mins at the end of the day to clear your inbox

    Less to do’s = less overwhelm. Process your emails into folders (ideally max 7) on a daily basis. The goal should be to have an empty inbox every week or even every day, if at all possible. If you’re interested to know more about digital decluttering, I’m now offering virtual coaching to free you from digital overwhelm!

    Life is all about balance. You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it’s perfectly okay, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing.

    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me

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  • 2020 – A LEGO kind of year

    Dear 2020,

    THANK YOU for showing us so many new ways to grow, to do things differently and to be there for each other.
    I’M SORRY you brought with you so much pain and suffering.
    GOODBYE. We’re done with you now and wish to move forward towards new beginnings.

    2020 was very LEGO like. You stepped hard on it and it hurt your feet so badly you wanted to SCREAM. If you’ve ever stepped on a LEGO brick (is there anyone who hasn’t?) you will know exactly what I mean. On the other hand, what seemed impossible before quickly became possible. We had no choice but to start building amazing things from those broken LEGO bricks. Impossible for many turned into I’M POSSIBLE. And that’s something we should cherish and be immensely grateful for.

    What are you grateful for looking back at 2020? Let’s look back at some of my 2020 reflection highlights and take a sneak peek into 2021…!

    #1 Creativity, blogging and My Swiss Story

    I had always dreamed of blogging but never dared to start. During the lockdown in spring I stumbled upon a few online courses, one about writing and one about photography. I got an urge to start writing and boy, that felt amazing.

    As if all the stars in the Universe were aligning, later in spring I was asked to start blogging for My Swiss Story and become part of the new editorial board as Home and Lifestyle Editor. What a privilege it’s been and an absolute honour to meet and work with these talented ladies! I’ve found my creative vein again (which had been buried somewhere deep under the other LEGOs for too long) and started to truly enjoy myself writing, photographing and creating meaningful and valuable content.

    #2 Family, time, calm and nature

    How precious wasn’t this spring to our family! We will never forget how calm and relaxed our empty diaries made us feel. We suddenly had time for all those long hikes both near and far in the mountains, the bike tours, the board games and movie nights, all spent together as a family.

    But there was of course also a downside to this amazing LEGO brick called family: being an entrepreneur, having 2 small kids at home 24/7, homeschooling them, and a previously frequent traveller husband who suddenly works from home 100% and spends 90% of his days on the phone. We cried, we laughed, we argued, we hugged, we kissed and made up, we danced, we worked out together and we were frustrated, worried and angry. The whole spectrum was there.

    And lastly there was the additional constant worry about our family members’ and friends’ health back home in Finland. We just had to make space within us for all these feelings, whether we wanted or not. And we all just had to learn to let them be there, observe them and let them go again when ready. Thank you technology for making social distancing bearable. Frequent video calls with friends and family were and still are a lifesaver. Going back home over Christmas is sadly not an option this year.

    #3 Keep sane and exercise!

    It is no secret that exercise keeps you fit and healthy both physically and mentally. This year has shown me more than ever that exercise is a total MUST in order for me to keep my sanity! Even a short walk or burst of activity makes all the difference, especially in the morning. This. Is. The. Ultimate. Self. Care. LEGO. Starting the day right.

    Some days you just want to stay in bed but the days you go out for that run, or do that short but sweet morning yoga practice or meet likeminded friends at your favourite Mom in Balance outdoor class (even in the pouring rain and with Covid-restrictions obviously!), is when you feel most alive and energised! Not sure many of you even know this, but besides being an entrepreneur I work since several years for this amazing women-only fitness concept to support and keep women and mothers of all levels fit and healthy. And it sure feels good and right to do that. Balance is key.

    #4 My Happy Home – celebrate the sanctuary you have created

    My Happy Home, my entrepreneurial baby, came to a crossroads this year. Covid interrupted all home visits in one go and forced me to look into new ways of working with clients. At first I was so upset, but looking back now it was actually a very productive, hugely positive business LEGO building break I had. Many creative parts of my business were born or refreshed: my blogs, my Newsletter and my IG, as well as introducing online coaching and workshops. New beautiful collaborations and connections have started to form. My coach told me to celebrate, all of it – and she’s so right! We are not always good at celebrating ourselves as women, too often we put others before ourselves..!

    It is that relaxed, calm feeling you have when you’re inside and it’s storming outside.

    What I have learned to appreciate more than ever is our curated home and our simplified lifestyle that brings us calm, balance and comfort, especially in times of uncertainty. My sanctuary is my KonMari world of joy and harmony, where less really is more, in all life areas. And no, my home is not picture perfect at all times, far from it, we just have an easily tidied mess.. ;)

    Hello 2021 – you are my year of mindful and intentional visibility

    It is not with a heavy heart I’m saying goodbye to 2020. It’s with a heart full of hope, light and excitement! I challenge and promise myself that

    • I will be kinder to myself
    • I will be enough no matter what I do
    • I will celebrate more, even tiny wins
    • I will be more present in the now
    • I will show up more in life, every day
    • I will continue to inspire and support
    • I will continue to love, do and simply be me

    Will you join me in the challenge to becoming mindfully and intentionally visible?

    “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live.”

    Happy Holidays!

    Stay Healthy And Safe.
    2021 – We Are Ready For You!

    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • Decluttering your finances is decluttering your life too. An interview with Money Coach Ilana Jankowitz.

    Did you know love and respect for your money go hand in hand with love and respect for yourself and your belongings? In your daily life you might even unconsciously allow your belongings and finances to control you. Your possessions (as well as your money!) end up in all the wrong places, you do not care for them and they might get lost. You search for them for hours and then give up and go online to buy more. Sounds familiar? And potentially even get into debt for it using credit cards. It’s time to take back control of your finances and your life and start to respect and love your money and yourself more!

    There are two things you can start out with right away, and neither of these require a huge amount of time. In addition to my KonMari inspired tips below, I asked Certified Money Coach, Ilana Jankowitz, a few questions on how we can best declutter our finances and prepare for the new year. Enjoy the read!

    #Tip 1: Declutter your wallet and appreciate your money more

    Let’s start with your wallet.

    1. Is it clean, tidy and inviting, happy and inspirational? Or is it falling apart filled with old receipts, notes, a lot of small coins and business cards?

    2. Make sure you first of all choose a wallet and a material you really like!

    3. Put aside a few mins on a regular basis to declutter your wallet from unnecessary papers. If at all possible, please deny taking the receipt and ask to have it e-mailed to you if needed for the future.

    The wallet is like a king to whom you can never show too much respect.


    Your wallet is usually on the receiving end of any past emotional baggage intertwined in the money you keep in there. Your wallet and your money, should be treated with utmost respect and gratitude for providing you with what you need. If you care for it well, keep it tidy and respect it, you might notice that the way you use your money changes. You will feel grateful every time you reach for your wallet to remove money. And make sure to never walk around with a wallet with no money in it – when money is in use it flows like energy and flowing money attracts more money.

    #Tip 2: Using the KonMari Method to find JOY also in your finances

    Decluttering your physical belongings according to the KonMari Method categories ultimately creates space for life and increases clarity about what matters most to you. But can you do the same process with your finances? Absolutely!

    * Be very clear about your financial goals. Remember, you start with your vision also when decluttering your belongings!

    * Check your status quo, ie. bank statements and make categories within budgeting. This will help you see exactly where your money goes (living costs, medical expenses, food, education, travel, clothing, savings etc.) This step equals the “power of the pile” and is designed to shake you up a little.

    * Tidy up your do’s and get rid of the don’ts. Any small daily/weekly expense can make a big difference (a daily take away coffee for 6+ CHF equals almost 2000 CHF/year!)

    * Ask why before buying. Ask yourself whether a purchase is necessary and truly sparks joy! If you already started decluttering your belongings chances are your consumption habits have changed / will change forever.

    * If you know you have enough, you’re actually rich already

    Q: Ilana Jankowitz, you are a certified Money Coach. Would you please tell us what it is that you do?

    “I work with women to change their Money Story by understanding how our subconscious beliefs, behaviours and patterns are formed and limit us. I help them to open the flow of money into their lives and business by doing deep work. “

    Ilana Jankowitz


    Q: How can you declutter and change your money (hi)story, if there is emotional baggage tied to it?

    IJ: We hold onto baggage that we tolerate in our lives. Ie, old relationships, emotions, lifestyle etc. We make space in our energy by decluttering for the flow of money to come into our lives. Sometimes letting go of the past is necessary to see a different future and possibilities.

    Q: What’s the best way to get rid of debt and declutter your credit card bills, once and for all?

    IJ: Keep a money journal and write down your emotions when you are spending.  95% of our actions are driven by emotions.  Keep a budget, a budget is telling your money where to go and not wondering where it went and lastly if you have not saved money, start today.

    Q: How can you become more mindful & better at saving?

    IJ: When you receive your money, take a percentage off the top and put it into savings immediately, then pay the bills. Savings is a habit and needs to be practised.

    Q: What would you tell our readers who struggle with never having enough?

    IJ: There is more than enough, and there is a connection between Life and money. Our money beliefs are connected to our self worth. This is where I do most of the work.

    Q: What are your best tips to start 2021 and become financially independent?

    IJ: Start by keeping track of where you are spending, where you can save and declutter to get the flow of money into your life. Sell the things you don’t need and that can bring joy to someone else. Get your bank account on your phone and check it regularly.

    Interested in knowing more about Ilana’s work?
    Go check out her Money Quiz and jump on a free 30 min discovery call with her, exclusive to our readers!

    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • The art of letting go – 4 ways to live a lighter life

    Have you noticed the gloominess in the air yet? If not straight in your own feelings and body, most certainly outside of it. Covid numbers are skyrocketing here in Switzerland. Everyone you speak to is dead tired of the virus and seems they’ve started living in some sort of limbo, like a waiting mode. A few weeks ago my body started reacting to all of this external insecurity, literally making me feel super uncomfortable in my body. I have a stress belly, and when I get stressed, I react with getting stomach issues. Pain, swelling and just pure discomfort. So what did I do to help myself? I was lucky enough to be able to take a break from it all. Since my kids were also on school holidays, it coincided with us going away for a few days to visit the beautiful southern Switzerland. I didn’t open my laptop once. I deeply reconnected with nature and started observing and copying nature’s behaviour. So what did and does nature do?


    Simply dropping the extra weight. Because it’s time, time to change. The gorgeous poet Rumi says it perfectly, and this simple truth is so incredibly powerful:



    Letting the dead leaves simply fall off of you will make a massive change in how you feel overall. If you start letting go of things that no longer serve you, you will notice how much lighter you suddenly feel. Carrying all that extra weight on your shoulders and in your heart is a heavy burden. Let’s look at some helpful tools to drop that extra heaviness.

    1. Let go of any physical possessions that don’t spark joy

    If you’ve read any of my previous blogposts, you know by now that I’m a certified KonMari Consultant to my heart and soul, and I just love helping others achieving a simpler and more enjoyable life with the help of the KonMari Method. Start with your clothes, move on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous) and finally sentimental items. Hold each item and ask yourself if it speaks to you and your heart and if it helps you achieving living your ideal life? If it does, keep it with confidence! If it doesn’t make the cut, thank it for serving you and let it go gracefully (without forgetting the environmental side: reuse, recycle, resell, donate).

    Always focus on what you want to keep, not on what you want to let go of. At the end of the journey you will be surrounded only with items you truly love and cherish, to serve the person you are (becoming) now.

    2. Live in the now – gently let go of your past

    I know, I know, it’s easier said than done to live exclusively in the now. But you can work on it! When you start letting go of your physical clutter, as described above, you will almost automatically start processing your past. This in turn helps you let go of past events, relationships and eventually lets you live and enjoy the now far more without all that luggage to carry around. You are not the person you used to be, and things or people that used to be important in your life might no longer have that position. Embrace your past for all it was. Accept your past with all its faults and mistakes. Forgive yourself for any wrongdoings and forgive who and what needs to be forgiven. Finally, let it all go. You are working on the person you want to be(come). Right here and now.

    Try my top 5 daily tools to keep yourself grounded and enjoying the now :

    1. NATURE. Just go out for as long as you can, every day, to get some fresh air and feel the sun, the wind or the rain on your cheeks.

    2. EXERCISE. Walk, run, bike, do a fitness program. Whatever it is you enjoy, keep doing it, even if it’s only 10 mins you are able to spare. A healthy habit needs repetition in order to stick.

    3. KEEPING A GRATITUDE JOURNAL OR MEDITATE. A few mins every morning or evening will do. It sets the intention and your mindset for the day to come.

    4. LAUGH. No holding back!

    5. CHOOSE TO SEE THE GOOD in (almost) everything. Actively look for the bright side with no judgment. What can you learn, what can you gain?

    3. The key to change is letting go of fear

    In order for us to reach our dreams or goals, no matter how big or small these are, we must teach our minds and hearts to not be afraid of change. Fear is the biggest force holding us back from achieving what we want. How can we do this? There are many tools out there but let’s try a few tiny, easy steps we all can do in our own way, in our own pace which may possibly result in huge leaps. Make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. Like having tea instead of coffee or vice versa

    •  * Just for today – choose to LET GO of fear.
    •  * Just for today – choose to try something NEW.
    •  * Just for today – choose to try something DIFFERENT.
    •  * Just for today – choose to SEE the world around you with different eyes.
    •  * Just for today – choose to SEE, FEEL and ACKNOWLEDGE your life differently.
    •  * Just for today – choose to be KIND in all you do. Towards yourself and others.
    • *  Today, I AM different. I have changed to be a better version of myself.

    How does change make you feel? Just by trying these out you are a WINNER.

    4. Make YOUR life your best life, letting go of all that’s no longer serving you

    We only have one life. There’s no need to fake it until you make it, you are already living it! We all get mental blocks, and sometimes they turn into physical issues, and we need these too. They’re like small lessons in life. Otherwise there is no development! And as already mentioned above oftentimes the solution is to totally let go. Let go of any possessions or relationships, self-limiting beliefs, ill working old habits, fear and old ways of doing and thinking that just no longer serve you.

    There is nothing that is a more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different.


    You don’t need to do things the “right way”, you need to do them YOUR WAY! Isn’t that what Covid also has taught us? There are other ways of doing things, not necessarily new, but different ways. And often we sabotage ourselves by comparing us to others. There is nothing worse than comparison. Make sure you welcome only good, positive vibes and people into your life. The rest you can let go of confidently and quickly. And the truth is, YOU are uniquely YOU, nobody else can offer the world what YOU are able to.

    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me

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  • Live more with less. Create space for a life you love with the KonMari Method.

    From inspiration to transformation

    Are you just a tiny bit intrigued by the famous KonMari Method® and what it really does behind the pretty surface? Let me tell you a secret you might not even like to hear. It might look and sound so easy to go through all your belongings and choose to keep only what makes you happy. It isn’t. It’s hard work, both physically, mentally and emotionally, but at the end of the day the rewards are so huge you cannot even imagine you didn’t get started earlier. It’s a little bit like pushing the reset button of your life and getting a whole new start, only this time the game has totally changed.

    In what way? You’ve evolved. Your mindset has changed. You’re more aware of what makes you happy and joyful. You’ve let go of things that no longer serve you, may it be belongings, social media, attitudes or relationships. You’ve simplified. You might have become more environmentally aware too. No matter what kind of transformation has occurred you’ve moved on and opened up doors for new things to enter.

    Marie Kondo & Helena Zachariassen in London 2019

    Are you ready to let go of the excess?

    Let me ask you something. Are you tired of clutter? Is there too much clutter at home, in your mind, at work, in your diary..? Too much mental, physical and even digital stuff, too much of every.single.thing? Would you be ready to simplify your home and your life? Then allow me to introduce you to the method of simplifying that will not leave you untouched once you get the ball rolling.

    The space I live in is graced only with those things that speak to my heart.
    My lifestyle brings me joy.


    Myths and basic rules

    Let’s also agree that the myths of the KonMari method® are exactly that, myths. It’s not about how many books you’re “allowed” to keep in your bookshelf or how minimalistic your home should become…quite the opposite actually. The objective is that every person decides the right amount of belongings for him/herself, as long as these belongings speak to the heart. It’s about curating Your home and life to suit Your ideal lifestyle.

    The six basic rules of the KonMari Method® can be summarised as follows

    1. 1. Commit yourself to tidying up
    2. 2. Visualise your ideal lifestyle
    3. 3. Finish discarding first
    4. 4. Tidy by category – not by location
    5. 5. Follow the right order
    6. 6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy

    How does it work? And what is a joy check?

    Each client starts with a visualisation exercise before digging into the actual work. Why? Because your ideal lifestyle will be the red thread to follow throughout the whole tidying process. Once the vision is clear we start tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and finally, sentimental items.

    Joy checking. You will be going through all of your belongings in the above mentioned specific order, re-evaluating your relationship with them and keeping only those items that truly spark joy. Finally you will then choose a ‘home’ for every item from then on so you will always know where to find it as well as return it after use. Remember that the ideal amount of belongings will differ for each individual.

    What about pretty boxes and storage solutions? 

    The final storage solutions always come last once we know how much there is left to store. A lot of times there is more than enough storage space when you’re done decluttering, and you can also choose to repurpose boxes and containers in so many ways.


    The result

    So how long does it take? Anything between a few weeks and 6 months, depending on the size of the household and the scope of the project. By following these steps you will be introduced to tips and tricks along the way on how to tackle your clutter and start living a happier, simpler and lighter life that truly sparks joy. You will learn how to maximise functionality and minimise clutter, forever. And it’s being done in one go, because once you’ve done the whole house you will never go back to the way it was.

    The outcome of this process is unique for each unique individual. It might be  a life changing transformation. It might have inspired you to minimise your wardrobe or change your morning routine or bring change into that one tiny area of your life that you’re not so happy with. Or make yourself a power spot at home. No matter the outcome, with time this way of life will sprinkle its way into other areas of your life and spread its wings of joy and happiness everywhere. Are you ready to give it a go?

    Being organised isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person. It’s about living the way you want to live, but better.


    Are you enjoying my tips? I invite you to sign up for my Newsletter to read more about simplifying, home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living. Alternatively you can head over to my Instagram for more inspiration. Stay tuned for some KonMari inspired summer tips..coming soon!


    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • Meet Helena – The Founder of My Happy Home

    Hello friends, I’m Helena Zachariassen, a certified KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach and founder of My Happy Home. I was born and raised in Finland, the Nordic country of pure, quiet and beautiful wilderness. I’m a total Scandi girl at heart, with a long and difficult-to-pronounce Danish surname, nevertheless loving and embracing all of the opportunities and life lessons living abroad offers. Growing up in the north and spending all my summers on a lonely but beautiful island in the archipelago made me become deeply inspired by nature, beauty and simplicity and learn to respect and honour our precious environment.


    Since 2011 I live in beautiful Switzerland, close to Zurich, with my husband and 2 young children. Before that, I used to live in 5 other European countries and I believe I have a wide understanding of most expat challenges by now… ?

    Q: Tell us about your work

    After spending most of my adult life in the corporate world of international business consulting supporting people in their professional development I became a mom and life changed over night. In the following years navigating a new world abroad, with two small children and no support network at hand, I was turning inwards to find my own life mission and purpose career wise. I discovered the KonMari Method® in 2016 and within a few years from this first discovery I got to meet Marie Kondo, became a certified KonMari Consultant and I was able to combine my passions and finally become an entrepreneur doing what I love!

    The KonMari Method® is all about getting to know your ideal lifestyle, and let this vision guide you in choosing joy, not only with regards to your belongings, but in all areas of life. As a Lifestyle Coach I’m passionate about supporting, empowering and inspiring people of any walk of life to simplify and transform their lives by organising their living spaces according to the KonMari Method®. If you feel overwhelmed with stuff and chaos, in other words mental and physical clutter, and you don’t know where to start or are longing for a place to call your own haven of harmony I’m your go-to person. I will hold your hand, lovingly curate and create space for a home and life you’ll love. In our individual in-home sessions (or alternatively virtual sessions!) I will teach you how to minimise clutter and maximise functionality, forever. In addition I consult you with decorating any space you feel needs a face lift or simply just re-arranging or re-purposing what you already have.

    The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.


    Q: What’s a day like in your heels?

    I used to wear heels to work daily, I even cycled to work in heels when I was living in Copenhagen, a true bike heaven! However, as a mother of two running around from hobbies to playgrounds and nowadays as an entrepreneur having a very hands-on job, I mostly wear flats and comfy shoes, that I totally love.

    No day is the same in our busy household. Usually my husband travels a lot, and I’m the one juggling and managing the daily home life as well as my business. Some days I have half or full day client sessions and some days I work behind the scenes creating content, photographing, writing and learning new skills for myself and my clients. Other days I spend my time as full time driver, teacher, coach, nurse and chef to my tiny humans.

    To add some more fun to the weekly puzzle I also work part-time as Community Manager for Mom in Balance Switzerland, whose mission is to keep women and moms (to be) fit and in great shape through challenging and fun outdoor workouts. Such a fun and energising concept I can hardly believe I’ve been part of it for almost 7 years already.

    My kids are my biggest joy as well as my daily teachers. I love spending time with them, but I equally love getting some needed me-time, no matter if it’s work related or simply talking to a friend over the phone. We’re so lucky to have found some lovely Au pairs, who have helped and supported our family through these busy years. What’s essential to me is that I’m able to be flexible with my work and be at home when the kids need me, especially if their dad is travelling.

    Q: What can our readers expect from you?

    I love to share ideas and inspire! Especially on all things home related, may it be tidying and decluttering, organising, simplifying, beautiful interior ideas or simply some life coaching tips for a happy home or a joyful thought. I truly hope that you as my readers will get inspiration from me and my own experiences in simplifying, juggling work and family life as well as find beauty, harmony and joy in your everyday lives. 

    Q: Tell us some fun facts about you

    • * As the only girl with 3 brothers, I wished I was a boy too and refused to wear any dress when I was little. Later on I actually really missed having a sister!
    • * I love my morning coffee, even if I rarely manage to drink it warm
    • * Red wine and salty liquorice chocolate are my real treats
    • * I used to be a gymnast and later on a gymnastics coach for young girls. I can (almost) still do the split! 
    • * I used to be cabin crew for one summer for the Finnish airline Finnair
    • * I used to sing in the Helsinki University female voice choir Lyran for 10 years
    • * I speak about 6 languages (Swedish and any Scandi language, Finnish, English, German and French).

    Q: What do you do when you’re not working?

    Being with kids is amazingly rewarding but also exhausting and without sports and exercise I couldn’t function properly.

    Whether I do a sweaty workout (which I love!), take a walk or run in nature, a hike in the mountains or a ski day out on the slopes, I’m in my element. I also love spending time with good friends, sharing a meal, a deep conversation, laughter and a glass of bubbly or two. And if I really want to wind down, I start folding clothes or I start an organising project, which are both amazingly therapeutical and I can lose myself completely in it.

    Through the right amount of tidiness both in our homes and in our minds together with healthy nutrition, exercise to keep you fit and enough rest, I strongly believe that you will have more energy and be able to live a happier and lighter life focusing on what matters most for you.

    “Tidying your home and life is like an artichoke.
    Little by little you peel the layers away and with time you reveal the heart of it all.”

    Helena Zachariassen

    Are you enjoying my tips? Sign up for my Newsletter to read more about simplifying, home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living or head over to my Instagram.


    This article was first published on the expat blog My Swiss Story, where I am part of the expert editorial panel as the Home Expert. Would you like to contribute as a guest writer? Please contact me.

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  • 5 tips to keep your family home organised during lockdown

    Our new normal is anything but normal, but also different depending on who you talk to. Is it possible for a family to keep a home tidy and organised during a lockdown? Yes! With a positive mindset and a ‘we can do this together’ attitude anything is possible.

    Even though, being a KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach myself and a fond advocate of the huge benefits of the KonMari Method®, I would always suggest that everyone should start their simplifying journey with reducing the amount of their belongings, I’m not asking you to do that. If decluttering is indeed something you do want to embark on, get started with joy checking your clothes and keep going, I will cheer you on and support you in any way I can! But if you feel that even thinking about a decluttering project is too overwhelming right now, let’s just focus on realistic, small and manageable steps to do as a family.

    To reduce stress levels the first step for you to do is decide what kind of stay-at-home life you really want and need right now. Sit with the thought and let the answers come to you. Your intuition will help you find the most important things for you. Invite your kids to do the same during a quiet moment. The next step is to take out everything that isn’t what you want right now. And I don’t mean physical items only. We’re talking about social media, TV, the flow of (bad) news, junk food, negative people…you name it.

    Here’s what you can do:

    1. 1. Hold a family meeting about your ideal organised home life and commit
      Let each family member visualise their ideal home and make a list of the most important organising goals for everyone. One goal per family member is enough. Keep the final list visible at all times and respect each other’s wishes at all times.

      An example list could look something like this:
      * Make your own bed every morning
      * Hang jackets and put away shoes to keep the entrance tidy and clutter free
      * Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher straight after use
      * Tidy away school books/work items straight after having finished
      * Tidy all toys back to their homes before dinner
    2. 2. Lead by example
      Kids naturally love order, but they need help with learning HOW to be orderly. Show them how to be tidy and organised. Start by tidying yourself. Maybe fold your clothes the KonMari way and save tons of storage space would help your daily routine? If your kids are anything like mine they will ask what you’re doing and want to have a tidy closet, toy basket or room themselves. It’s so much fun to tidy together – make it into a game and you will find that you’re actually starting to enjoy tidying together!


    3. 3. Make sure that all things are returned to their home after being used
      This is the Ultimate Tidy Tip. As soon as people start leaving things around it will get messy and untidy. Help the family by identifying a home for all items. Store likes with likes and label your shelves, boxes and baskets if you’re into that kind of thing. For small kids a picture on a box will help them recognise the right home for their different toys and makes it a fun task instead of a boring chore.


    4. 4. Responsibility
      Make every family member responsible for a task/room/a small area to keep tidy on a daily basis, depending on age. This makes children feel responsible and they will feel so proud being able to manage their own task. If needed and age appropriate you can add a daily reward chart to follow how well the tasks are going and maybe pay a small salary for a job well done at the end of the week. At the same time you teach your kids how to work smart and earn money. Win-win.


    5. 5. Personal space & power spot
      Make sure all family members have their own working space during the day, even if you all sit around the kitchen table, as well as their own power spot. A power spot is a space where everyone can go to find peace and get some important me-time, surrounded by a few of their most cherished belongings that bring them joy. When the favourite items are always kept at the personal power spot they will a) always be easily found and they will b) not be floating around the house either and needing to be tidied away.


    My final tip is my personal favourite. Simple yet so enjoyable. Bring in fresh flowers if you are able to find any! They will brighten up any space and make it look lighter, happy and updated.




    For more tips on home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living head over to my blog, visit my website and/or follow me on Instagram. And please don’t hesitate to share this blog with anyone you think might like learning more about these topics.

    Stay positive, stay healthy!

    This article post was first published on My Swiss Story, where you will find amazing resources and stories about expat life in Switzerland!

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