tidy home tidy mind

  • Hello holidays: the ultimate home and packing prep guide

    There are few things more stressful than the last weeks before the long awaited summer holidays, especially if you’re travelling for most of the holidays. We’re not even used to travelling anymore, so in these pandemic times at least some of our expectations might be astronomically high. So what makes up our pre holiday stress? It can be work to finish, kids’ end of year school events, teacher gifts, a household to prepare for going away as well as returning, laundry, packing, gardening, home admin, covid tests…the list is endless.

    With this guide I hope you can get yourself and your home organised enough to tick off some of the chores already before leaving. You will enjoy your time away even more as well as knowing that you’re not returning to an endless to do list and a chaotic home.

    1. Work: Clear the mental clutter and put on your ‘Out of office’ a few days early

    This trick helps colleagues getting used to the fact that an instant response is not required at all times. By reminding them that you will respond but that it might take a bit longer due to the holiday period, you will help yourself reducing the amount of requests and emails coming in before your actual holidays and support reducing also the mental clutter.

    2. Home: prepare your home to allow for rest and more mental space

    Running a household and a family involves a million chores and things to do during a year. Just for these summer holidays, try prepping yourself with the help of this list and see if it makes you feel lighter and less mentally burdened. Are you able to focus more on being present in the now? Are you able to give your family your fullest attention? Give yourself a well deserved break from all the to do’s in your mind and focus on recharging your batteries. If you have small kids, I know you get very little done , but consider getting help for a few hours so you can help yourself in the long run!

    If you’re ready to give it a go, these simple ‘before leaving chores’ might be a total game changer. And make sure to involve any older kids to be responsible for their own rooms. By teaching them to start young we offer them a gift for life:

    a) Change bed linen in advance

    Do this 1-2 days before leaving so there’s no stress on the actual travelling day and it will feel great to return home to clean sheets.

    b) Wash all laundry and return everything to their homes

    Wash all your laundry up until a couple of days before departure so you have time to dry and fold and return it all to their home address.

    c) Pause your mail, newspapers, gym subscriptions etc.

    You might need to give notice a few weeks earlier for pausing any mail or subscriptions, so make sure to check all terms and conditions as early as possible.

    d) Pre-program any outstanding bills to be paid on the due date

    E-banking is made for this. Pre-program any bills that need attention during the time you’re away and it’s instantly out of your mind.


    e) Go through the fridge and toss anything that already has or will expire during your holiday

    This doesn’t need to take more than 15 mins and can be done a few days before travelling. Look through the food, keep what you can, donate the good stuff to your neighbour, toss the rest and wipe off the shelves.

    f) Make sure you have food for the first day back

    Leave some essentials in the freezer as well as some dry foods in a cupboard so you don’t need to go grocery shopping the same day you return or if returning late at night.

    g) Clean the house to your liking so you know it will feel great to return

    I’ve said this before and I will say it again: a tidy home equals a tidy mind. Give yourself the gift of coming home to a clean, inviting and orderly space where you can give yourself a moment to ground yourself and your family before getting back into the routines.

    h) Give an extra key to a friend or neighbour who can water any plants and check on your house when you’re away

    Weather conditions are currently extreme in many parts of the world. We just had a water damage in our house due to extreme rain, luckily noticed before going away, so make sure you have agreed with someone to check regularly on your home. Or simply to keep your plants alive too.

    i) Empty the balcony/garden of any unnecessary items that might get destroyed by turbulent weather

    In the past month we’ve had the strongest gales and hail storms in years, which might destroy outdoor furniture and plants if not protected properly. Remove everything that might fly away or can be moved indoors so you can sleep in peace.

    j) Refuel the car and give it a quick wash if needed

    A refuelled and clean car sets you up for an even nicer return.

    3. Packing: Plan and prepare your capsule holiday wardrobe

    Start planning early to avoid any last-minute stress and potential wrong decisions. Try to plan outfits in advance if possible – take with you only what you need. If you know what kind of events you will be attending, plan the outfit and check if it can be mixed and matched with other outfits too. Be honest, if you’re not sure if you’ll really wear it, leave it at home. Avoid overpacking!

    I have a thing for number 3. When styling an interior you also look for grouping items in threes. Most of the time you won’t be needing more than 3 different items within the same category, especially if you’re able to wash your clothes at your destination. Try this time saving and sanity saving packing list (for a min. week long trip):

    3 pairs of trousers/jeans

    3 dresses for different occasions

    3 pairs of shorts/skirts

    3 pairs of shoes

    3 t-shirts

    3 tops

    3 sweaters/hoodies/cardigans for chilly evenings (depending on destination)

    3 bras

    underwear/socks for each day (at least 3, double it up to be safe)

    2 pyjamas (yes, I know, destroys the number 3…but no need for 3 sets)

    3 sports outfits

    3 pieces of swimwear (a mix of swim suits/bikinis and a cover up)

    3 bags (suitcase and 2 other bags for day/evening use)

    3 pairs of ear rings/jewellery to mix and match

    Potential jacket(s) depending on destination

    4. The ultimate packing guide: love the KonMari fold

    Vertical folding saves a lot of space, also in a suitcase! Roll thinner fabrics, for example, summer dresses, to prevent wrinkles. Delicate items and potential suits might be better off laid flat on top of everything else or carefully folded in the special hanging/folding compartment included in many suitcases. If you need any help with folding, please reach out!

    When I found Organista packing cubes a few years ago, it changed my family’s whole packing business for good. Packing cubes come in different sizes and are usually ca 10 cm high which means you can simply transfer your readily file folded items from your closet directly into a packing cube and the clothes stay neat for the whole duration of your trip. They protect the clothes and are see-through so you will easily be able to see what’s in them too. If you don’t want to use packing cubes you can of course also place your folded items directly in the suitcase.

    5. How to keep your packing organised while away

    Unpack everything as soon as you arrive at your destination. It makes you feel welcome and ready to start enjoying your new environment when everything has a home again. As a family of four we usually need quite a bit of storage space. But since my beloved packing cubes are see-through, I tend to keep storing our clothes in the cubes during the whole holiday, unless you have a lot of extra space where you can unpack the contents of yours and your family members’ suitcases. If you have shelves or drawers just gently move your file folded packages directly to the assigned storage space and hang any dresses that look happier when they’re hung.

    6. Returning home: stress free unpacking

    With the risk of sounding like a stuck cd player as well as a nagging mom, I will re-emphasize the importance of unpacking all suitcases immediately. Laundry can simply be dropped directly from the suitcase into the correct laundry basket and a first load put on within half an hour of returning home. The clean and still folded items may be put back into the respective closets and re-used. When all luggage has been unpacked within hours of returning you’re done with the largest part and you can start tackling the other household chores after a good night’s sleep in clean sheets.

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  • From overwhelm to organised life mastery in 5 simple steps

    Already at the beginning of this year I was exhausted, overwhelmed and I felt hugely frustrated that I couldn’t just get it all together. I felt like I worked so hard but it was never enough on any level and yet I was needed everywhere at the same time! Sound familiar? Having two young kids, a business to run, a busy husband, a household to manage incl. cooking lunches and dinners and turning into a taxi driver for the afternoon hobbies…not to forget the constant unrest the global pandemic was and still is adding to the game. No wonder I thought I was about to get burned out.

    Well, struggle is part of growing. Accepting all feelings as they were and are, knowing I’m so much more than just those feelings of inadequacy slowly made everything ‘figureoutable’, as Marie Forleo so aptly calls her bestselling book and philosophy. It is a word that makes you realise nothing is impossible — it only takes some time, effort, and sometimes ingenuity, to get things done differently.

    “I’m a lost case. I don’t know how to organise my stuff, let alone myself”

    Nope. Let’s start with the GOOD NEWS. What if I told you it’s possible to clear the clutter and simplify your life, both on the inside as well as on the outside? Well, it is. Anyone can learn to be organised! Even as a KonMari Consultant & Life Coach I’m still figuring things out myself, so take my word for it. If I can do it, you can do it too.

    The next step is all about mindset and intention. Initialising and internalising a mindset change that you have the ability to be organised and you have the tools to overcome any obstacle or overwhelm will make a huge difference. Knowledge and the ability to change is key. When you know what to do, you’ll be a master of your own life in no time. And if you feel or get stuck, I’m just a message away. 

    1. Spring clear your home and mind

    What does it even mean to clear your home and mind? Think of it as a brain dump or download. Write down all the tasks that need to happen in your home and family on a daily and weekly basis. A rough example could look something like this:

    Daily tasks

    • make beds
    • breakfast
    • kitchen quick clean up
    • load dishwasher
    • cooking
    • work/homework
    • quality time with kids/partner
    • logistics, ie. kids, pets
    • quick tidy up
    • etc.

    Weekly tasks

    • prep for the week
    • meal plan
    • quality time with kids/partner
    • self care
    • admin
    • laundry
    • grocery shopping
    • cleaning
    • house/car/sports equipment maintenance
    • etc.

    In other words, make a clear plan of what is needed in your home and life for your life to function well and for everyone living in that home to feel happy and balanced. It means to have a rough, clear plan of when things need to be taken care of, and by whom, so they don’t pile up and become a daunting task you just want to ignore forever.

    2. Say no – design a simplified, minimal & joyful lifestyle

    Let go of unnecessary mental clutter and start prioritising YOU by setting clear boundaries. Say no to everything that doesn’t bring you closer to your real and ideal life. I used to say yes to way more than was ever healthy or sane, always trying to help and please others. Keep your energy and precious time to yourself, and don’t let so called energy thieves drain you of what belongs to you.

    And remember – say YES to everything you do want and need in order to feel good about yourself and your life! What you will gain is a life filled with peace, calm, gratitude, joy and time for the things that truly matter to you.

    3. Simplify and organise your entrance

    Our entrance is our business card to the world – and when it’s filled with visual clutter it drains our energy and increases our stress levels. It’s the first thing you (and any potential visitor) see each time you return home and each time you leave. It’s an important space that should make you feel welcome and relaxed every time. Make sure to only keep essential, frequently used items in the entrance area and that each family member has a designated drawer or area for his/her own things to keep everything manageable. And don’t forget the area around the front door – a tidy space and a seasonal flower or a wreath creates an instant mood booster.

    A tidy, clutter free, organised entrance area makes daily life simple and effortless. It creates a beautiful, welcoming gateway to your most
    intimate space – your home.

    4. Tidy kitchen tops & paper clutter

    The less visual clutter and appliances is out on the kitchen counters, the easier it is to keep the kitchen clean, clear and tidy. Loading the dishwasher or washing the dishes immediately after a meal is equally key to a tidy kitchen.

    What does paper have to do with kitchen organisation? Well, I’ve noticed that a lot of people have this undefined paper pile, usually on the kitchen counter. My best tip is to handle any physical mail immediately as it comes in. A lot of it can be recycled instantly. If there is something to action it can be moved to an admin folder to be dealt with weekly.

    5. Tame the daily mess in just 10 minutes

    After dinner, put on some relaxing music and engage your family to tidy up the day for 10 mins only. Anything that has been left out during the day; remote controls, toys, newspapers, home work, clothes… and return all of the items to their homes before heading to bed. It’s a game changer which will set the tone for the next day so you can all start fresh with a tidy mind in a tidy home.

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  • 8 Easy Steps To Win Chaos and Enjoy Harmony In My Happy Home During Quarantine Times And Beyond

     So we’ve all been at home with the family for weeks in a row now, some enjoying it enormously while others are going nuts. The Internet instantly got inundated with funny videos about moms getting grey hair in no time and drinking wine for breakfast. How were we, over night, to cope with working from home and at the same time becoming teachers, IT support, chefs, housekeepers, fitness instructors, nurses, coaches, mediators not to mention remembering there might also be a partner in the equation? Is there a way to truly enjoy the quarantine instead of getting on each others’ nerves every 5 minutes? I believe so.

    Honestly, there is no right or wrong. The simple truth is that both of these worlds and feelings are profoundly ok, even if they some days might take us by surprise and happen all at once! The most important thing is to acknowledge them and at the end of the day, accept them for what they are. Feelings. We are not our feelings. Let’s allow them to come and go. Just like the waves of the ocean. You create your own haven of harmony.

    I have 2 young kids, who are now 7 and 4. I love them to bits but with those two a beautiful chaos called life moved in too and hasn’t left since! However, these kids are the purest of joy gifts, and they’ve taught me more than anything that less is more, on so many levels. In the past few years I’ve decluttered our home and my life so thoroughly that I found my missing peace of the puzzle, became an entrepreneur as a KonMari Consultant & Lifestyle Coach in one go and I now support others choosing joy, organising and creating a home they truly love by simplifying their lives too. And I absolutely love what I do. 

    What does it mean to simplify?

    Simplifying and decluttering your life is like an artichoke. Little by little you peel the layers away and with time you reveal the heart of it all. The things that truly matter in life. Are you able to see beyond what you already have in life? Gratitude goes such a long way and being able to cherish, appreciate and enjoy what is already there in front of our eyes. I’ve put together an introduction to simplifying your life, with small, easy manageable steps, doable during a quarantine or after. Whenever you feel the time is right.

    1. Take down the expectations a level or two
    You can’t expect as much from yourself and each other as before the lockdown. You still only have 24 hours in a day and one pair of hands. Relax and take a break. You’re perfectly imperfect just as you are.

    2. Presence & grounding
    To reduce any potential stress levels the first step for you to do is turn off your phone and decide what kind of (stay-at-home) life you really want and need right now. Sit with the thought and let the answers come to you. Your intuition will help you find the most important things for you. Invite your kids to do the same during a quiet moment. The next step is to take out everything that isn’t what you want right now. And I don’t mean physical items only. We’re talking about social media, TV, the flow of (bad) news, junk food, negative people…you name it.

    3. Minimise your to-do list
    It’s not the end of the world if you haven’t finished your never ending to-do list or that the kids’ homework is not perfectly done every single day. Do me a favour, cut down your to-do list to only a few carefully selected items for each day. You will notice how much more feasible it feels and maybe you tick them off quicker than you’d expected? Regardless: you are still enough even if you don’t finish a single thing.

    4. Gratitude and togetherness
    It’s really helped my family to hold regular family gratitude moments to share and truly listen to each other, even if the needs are quite basic for the small ones, they might mean the world to them! The biggest wish for the kids has mainly been about doing a small activity together, all 4 of us. It’s the little things that matter most.

    5. A tidy home truly equals a tidy mind
    Clutter is simply anything that stands between you and your ideal lifestyle. Your home can be perfectly tidy and still filled with clutter. Or it can also be filled with things and still provide an ideal source of growth. We’re all unique and one size does not fit all of us. Simplifying is not about minimalism, the amount of belongings or how it looks. What matters is how all these things help and support you move towards your ideal lifestyle. Think about how your home and environment make you feel? If you could get from feelings of overwhelm, maybe even hopelessness to light, happy, airy and joyful…would you do it? Lead by example for your family and start with any small (or big) tidying project that support you feeling amazing in your home. Tidying is contagious, you might be surprised…


    6. Be more with less
    Be mindful about what comes in to your home. Shop less if you can, and if you do need to shop, be aware, do some research on the origin, material of the items and working conditions. Make sure you choose well, long lasting and environmentally friendly. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Repurpose is a concept that works perfectly well in any household, especially when you don’t have direct access to shops right now. And honestly, the less material possessions you own the easier your home and life is to manage and maintain.

    7. Tidy tips and slow living
    When your home gets (too) messy invite your kids and family to take responsibility of a task or area, share the tasks and be involved. Let each family member visualise their ideal home and make a list of the most important organising goals for everyone. Make a visual list if helpful. Make sure that all things are returned to their homes after being used. As soon as people start leaving things around it will quickly get untidy. Ultimately the aim is to have less to do and to do more of what makes everyone happy!

    8. Find your inner Sisu

    Sisu is Finnish and has been defined as the word almost describing Finland. It has a vast amount of different meanings, from having guts to strength of will, determination and perseverance to sustaining courage. Sisu is in my Finnish DNA, it’s almost magical to us. Whatever your worries may be, find your inner Sisu – it will encourage and help you face your challenges.


    For more tips on home organising, a well balanced happy home and nordic living head over to my blog, visit my website and/or follow me on Instagram.

    Stay healthy and happy in your homes!



    This article was first published in a new, inspirational online magazine called Rich Woman Magazine. Take a look! 

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